Rope Cutter
The most effective propeller protection available in New Zealand is the Ambassador Rope Stripper. Henley’s Propellers and Marine are proud to be the agent of this product that keeps propellers clear of rubbish by shredding it to harmless fragments.
The stripper is an assembly of rotating cutting blades that interlock around the shaft in front of the propeller. A fixed blade runs in bearings integral with the rotating cutter resulting in a shearing action as the blades pass each other.
The stripper is made up of stainless steel material the same as that used in propeller shafts, thereby avoiding electrolysis with the shaft and enabling a long service life. It utilises “bolt cutter” action serrated blades to cut through any fouling item. This system, based on a centuries old principle has proved to be the most reliable and efficient, and has helped to make the stripper a world market leader.
The consequences of a boat not fitted with rope stripper can be varied. Engines wrenched off their mountings, stern gear and gearboxes damaged. These photos were from the gearbox of a Mussel Industry vessel, wherein no rope cutter was fitted to the shaft. For more protection to the gearbox, a rope cutter and flexible coupling is suggested to be fitted. The flexible coupling not only serves as vibration dampener, it also designed to fail first before any damage can be transferred to the gearbox.
“To install a rope cutter is minimal compared to the price to get a new gearbox, however the cost of life is even far greater.”

The stripper comes in two, three and four blade variants to match the number of propeller blades Henley’s have tried various other brands over the past 20 years and can say that due to field experience with the Ambassador Rope cutter that this stripper is a “cut” above the rest! The consequences of a boat not fitted with rope stripper can be varied. Engines wrenched off their mountings, stern gear and gearboxes damaged as shown in the photos below.

These photos were from the gearbox of a Mussel Industry vessel, wherein no rope cutter was fitted to the shaft. For more protection to the gearbox, a flexible coupling is normally suggested to be fitted in between the shaft half coupling and gearbox output flange. The flexible coupling not only serves as vibration dampener, it also designed to fail first before any damage can be transferred to the gearbox.
“To install a rope cutter is minimal compared to the price to get a new gearbox, however the cost of life is even far greater.”