Best Propeller Repair Services
Henleys is not only involved in manufacturing but is also involved in propeller repairs as well as all types of drive train repair. Henleys together with its partners Pacific Driveline, Tim Strange and Dave Nichol have one major goal – Keeping vessels either commercial or leisure craft running at their highest performance.

Tiger Prop Repair




Kaplan Prop Repair


Repairs of various sized propellers are common at the Henleys workshop as shown in these photos.
Propeller damage can generally be restored to its near original state, providing the material is in good condition – no electrolysis (Galvanic Corrosion). This process is aided by our computer scanning equipment that provides a detailed report of our work.
There is a Worldwide product support for all propellers manufactured by Henleys. These companies are either using a “Hale” or “Prop Scan” propeller design and scanning equipment that can repair or adjust the Henleys design.